Here's one to get you started. When I am on the road they will be in real time
We left New Jersey at 2:00 pm Friday afternoon for our first "family trip" out west. We drove straight through to Rapid City, South Dakota, a journey of 1,691.4 miles. We only stopped for gas 5 times and once just for food, but those 5 gas stops consisted mainly of hotdogs, chips, soda and candy. We made the entire trip in 26 hours, 1 minute and four seconds (minus the 2 hour time change), arriving in Rapid City at 2:01pm on Saturday afternoon. I was a pretty upset that I missed my projection by a full minute.
Once we arrived we sat down for lunch until they got our room ready and then we rushed in for much needed showers. It is a beautiful 2 bedroom suite with a balcony overlooking the water park. I'll be asleep soon after being awake for 38 hours. I'll need the rest because my
planning will be put to the test as rain and flooding are in the forecast. Hmmmm, sounds like when we were here in 2012. Oh well, I am sure we'll figure something out, it just may not match the itinerary.